

SYTECH Awarded UL Outstanding Contribution Award

On Oct 30, 2019, Promote UL Standard Localization, Boost High Quality Development Seminar was held in the SongshanLake Civic Center. It was hosted by China Association for Standardization andUL, and supported by Dongguan Administration for Market Regulation. Relevant leaders from Guangdong Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Dongguan Administration for Market Regulation and China Association for Standardization,and Mr. Philip M. Piqueira, Vice President of Global Standard from UL attended the meeting. Around 200 people from relevant institutions and companies participated in the seminar. This seminar aims to promote UL standards localization in China, so as to boost high quality development of Dongguan.

In the meeting, the certificate presentation ceremony of new UL STP member in Dongguan was held. SYTECH was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award.

(Fifth from the left is Ms. Guan Jian from SYTECH)

Ms. Guan Jian is a Product Safety Qualification Engineer in SYTECH. Along with other three standardization experts in Dongguan, who have made great contributions to UL standard localization, they are recognized to be a member of UL STP in Dongguan.

Over the years, SYTECH has been actively advising UL to pay more attention to the standard development in Mainland China, and continuing to put forward proposals and drafts that are beneficial to both industry development and industry standard development. Based on the continuous efforts and contributions, SYTECH was awarded UL Outstanding Contribution Award.
